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Yessenova E.M.




fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Geometrically, they exist in between our familiar dimensions. The fractal paradigm has been introduced into the field of decorative and applied arts, design and architecture, literature and cinema. The variety of fractal forms makes it possible to use fractal algorithms in different fields of activity   

Ключевые слова:
fractals, design, geometric shapes, interior, architecture, technology, graphics   

УДК 7.013

Yessenova E.M.

lecture of the Department of State and Foreign Languages

Almaty Technological University

(Almaty, Kazakhstan)




Abstract: fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Geometrically, they exist in between our familiar dimensions. The fractal paradigm has been introduced into the field of decorative and applied arts, design and architecture, literature and cinema. The variety of fractal forms makes it possible to use fractal algorithms in different fields of activity.


Key words: fractals, design, geometric shapes, interior, architecture, technology, graphics.


Fractals have been known for almost a century, have been well studied and have numerous applications in life. The term "fractal" (from Lat. fractus – fragmented) was first introduced in 1975 by the mathematician of the IBM research center Benoit Mandelbrot. The shapes of most natural objects, such as trees, rocks, clouds, water ripples, coastlines, etc., are fractals. French scientist Benoit Mandelbrot has discovered a new branch of mathematics, which he called fractal geometry. A simple definition of a fractal given by Mandelbrot in the book "Fractal Geometry of Nature" is as follows: "A fractal is a structure consisting of parts that are in some sense similar to the whole"[1].

 The fractal endlessly repeats itself, but in smaller sizes. If you zoom in and look at one part of the fractal, you can see another fractal there and so on ad infinitum. An infinite figure with finite boundaries. Fractals are often symmetrical, and people see and admire beauty in the symmetry of shapes and forms. Our whole world is made up of symmetry. Even electrons have their own pair of positrons, the same as electrons, but vice versa. Electron - charge positron + charge, as if a mirror image. In addition, there are even antiparticles that are the same particles, but work in the opposite direction. In general, what is beauty for us? Although subjectively, it is believed that a symmetrical shape is more beautiful than chaos. What is the meaning of the word design? Why some shapes are considered beautiful and others are not? Calculation and mathematics create clear edges, perfect shapes. Those figures that have a minimum of entropy, the less chaos, the easier it is for a person to perceive an object and the more beautiful it looks to him. Even when we draw images, we unwittingly borrow or more precisely imitate the forms that surround us. What we perceive with our subjective view is actually a very complex mathematical science. Fractal forms are common in the micro- and macrocosm. Repeating patterns can be seen in minerals, flora and fauna, DNA structure, natural phenomena (cyclones, lightning and coastlines), systems of planets and stars. According to Wikipedia, Ornament (Latin ornamentum "decoration") is a pattern based on the repetition and alternation of its constituent elements; it is intended for decorating various objects (utensils, tools and weapons, textiles, furniture, books, and so on), architectural structures (both externally and in the interior), works of plastic arts (mainly applied), primitive peoples also have the human body itself (coloring, tattooing).

 Geometric fractals are used in architecture. The main representatives of this group are such objects as Peano curve, Koch snowflake, Sierpinski triangle, Cantor dust, Harter-Haythaway "dragon", etc. All of them are obtained by repeating a certain sequence of geometric constructions using points and lines. Designers, drawing inspiration from fractal geometry, formulas and graphs, create various bizarre forms of modern houses, which we consider to the design of the future. In general, the use of fractal geometry in interior design is justified as a continuation and deployment of the spatial functional structure of the building. Otherwise, the role of fractals can be reduced to banal decoration. The interior design uses decorative elements: posters, photo wallpapers, 3D panels and other parts of the decoration with frontal patterns. Fractal frescoes, trellises and stained glass windows are designed using specialized software to generate color images of fractals

A young designer from Brazil, Nicole Tomazi was so carried away by disembodied mathematical images that gave them tangible forms. She has created her own collection of knitted furniture. It was called – “Fractal collection”. It includes an armchair, a table and a shelf. It differs from ordinary furniture in its fractal structure. For example, a table is a surface formed by a large number of knitted "nodules", which, on closer inspection, seem to be made of even smaller elements. This amazing effect is created thanks to a special binding. A chair with the same knitted "nodules", creating a fractal effect, is made in the same style. Nicole Tomasi combined fractal geometry, comfort and style in three subjects.
 If we consider the design of clothing, we can see that in the West, clothes with fractal geometry with uniqueness and all kinds of color schemes of each pattern are widely used. The same situation is observed in the design of places of entertainment for young people (nightclubs, bars, studios). They are designed in a variety of unreal compositions using modern luminous materials and with the image of fractal graphics. With unusual ultraviolet lighting, which gives a special volume to all the drawings, an atmosphere of an unreal other world is created. [2]

 Geometric fractal models represent an independent artistic value and a method of creating ornamental structures of clothing fabrics, accessories and interiors. Today, the fractal paradigm has been introduced into the field of decorative and applied arts, design and architecture, literature and cinema. The variety of fractal forms makes it possible to use fractal algorithms in different fields of activity.




  1. Mandelbrot, B. Fractal geometry of nature / B. Mandelbrot. – M.: Institute of Computer Research, 2002. – 656 p., ill.
  2. Trubochkina, N. K. Fractal research: from fractal painting to industrial design [Electronic resource] / N. K. Trubochkina // Nadin Design
  3. https://www.lama-capola.ru/pages/ext/news/8

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (59) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Yessenova E.M. FRACTALS AND THEIR IMPACT ON DESIGN // Вестник науки №2 (59) том 3. С. 149 - 151. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7321 (дата обращения: 20.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7321

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